mile wide

美 [maɪl waɪd]英 [maɪl waɪd]
  • 一英里宽
mile widemile wide
  1. The tornado tore a path a mile wide and four miles long destroying homes and businesses .


  2. It was a mile wide in some places , and it left a 17-mile long gash in the landscape .


  3. He was easy to find , he left a paper trail a mile wide .


  4. and ignoring those exaggerated views that saw it as a mile wide and three long


  5. Design rules are forgotten , interfaces eroded , and technology stacks become a mile wide and an inch deep .


  6. Officials said it was more than a mile wide , and the path that took across New Castle and Moore was 17 miles long .


  7. The National Weather Service says a tornado that could have been half a mile wide roared through Mayflower , Arkansas .


  8. So Russia remains preoccupied by Poland 's 300 mile wide plain , a key battleground for armies pushing east and west ;


  9. In1993 the Galileo spacecraft sped past the20-mile-wide asteroid Ida and spotted a scrap of moon just under a mile wide circling it .


  10. They reveal technology stacks that are a mile wide and an inch deep , that do not lend themselves to testability or maintainability , and that generally offend one 's sense of design elegance .


  11. As with , Hazen 's involved samples taken from the deep-sea oil plume that in late June was22 miles long , one mile wide and650 feet thick , and was published in Science .
